Grandma Co gave Gavin his very own camera as an early birthday present. He loves it! When I decided to delete the pictures, I found 992 photos on the memory card. I was actually impressed with quite a few of them, turns out he is a very creative boy! This is why I decided to create this blog for him. I wanted to keep track of and show off his awesome photos. All of the pictures on this blog are taken from his camera, so the quality isn't that great, but keep open minds and you will be able to see through Gavin's eyes!
Gavin Rausch was born June 10, 2004 in Salt Lake City, Ut. He is the first child born to Weston and me. Right away we knew Gavin was very special. Looking into his beautiful little face I could tell he was and always would be very close to his Heavenly Father. Gavin was a fussy baby, but as loving parents, we did everything we could to help him, despite our frustration. Life didn't get any easier as he grew and we began to notice he was behind in communication and some cognitive skills compared to other children his age. After numerous tests and countless hours spent worrying, crying and searching for answers for my sweet boy, Gavin finally received a diagnosis of severe ADHD and Autism. We were both devastated and relieved. It was very hard to hear that my perfect little angel had a life-long disorder, but our search was over. We could finally understand him and begin the road to help him. We love Gavin so much and will do everything we can to provide him with the help he needs. He is and always will be our little angel!